01/28/2021 / By Ethan Huff
An analysis of Google search trends over the years shows that the only time Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa are ever really “popular” is right before important elections.
Only in the months prior to the 2016 election was anyone actually searching the web for information about BLM, it turns out. Prior to that, search trends were flatlined, meaning nobody cared whatsoever about the “movement.”
Immediately after the 2016 election, BLM searches flatlined once again, only to spike just before the 2020 election. Immediately after Joe Biden was “installed,” internet searches for BLM once again became nonexistent.
According to Ulysses S. Tennyson from 100percentfedup.com, this suggests that BLM is merely a political tool wielded by the mainstream media, Big Tech, large corporations and corrupt politicians to “violently extort America and the West of all its resources – including human capital – and freedoms.”
A graph he includes in his article clearly depicts this trend. Only when major elections are about to occur does BLM suddenly enter the news cycle. Leftist voters and other easily manipulated folks are then guilted into voting accordingly.
According to the dictionary, domestic terrorism is “the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.” Was there ever a truer definition for BLM and Antifa?
Not only do these “movements” cease to exist the moment they are no longer politically needed, but when they do reemerge their actions are also in promotion of violence and chaos.
Were it not for BLM and Antifa, Beijing Biden simply would not have been able to illegally seize the presidency. Now that he is “in office,” BLM and Antifa are once again out of the news cycle, where they will remain until the next false flag incident is needed to push an agenda.
Hilariously, the Biden regime has completely ignored BLM ever since being declared the “winner.” On Dec. 9, 2020, the official BLM Twitter account tweeted that neither Biden nor Kamala Harris responded to a letter that was sent requesting a meeting.
“It has now been 32 days and we have yet to receive a response,” BLM whined. “To set up a meeting with civil rights leaders, without BLM, is unacceptable.”
Perhaps BLM is coming to the stark realization that Biden and the Democrats could not care less about its existence except when there is some political capital to gain from its exploitation.
Nobody on the left actually cares about black lives or black issues. They only care about amassing more power and control on the backs of faux “civil rights” demonstrations that, in truth, are designed to hurt, rather than help, “minorities.”
“How do you think they will react when enough of them realize they are just being used to take all the risks by people high above all of us as they shift pieces on the chess board of humanity?” Tennyson asks.
“The goal is not equality and prosperity for everyone, which is what America used to be. It is a Great Reset that benefits none of us except the overlords that treat all humans as resources to be corralled however they see fit.”
One commenter on Tennyson’s article wrote that everyone already knows BLM is a terrorist organization, “even the left.” Another pointed out that it is becoming increasingly difficult for China Joe to keep dodging “the violent groups that helped him” get fake elected.
“They’re going to throw Harriet Tubman onto the $20 so they can say, ‘See? We did something for you,'” wrote yet another. “‘Now go away until we can put you to use again.'”
The latest news about the BLM and Antifa psy-op can be found at Terrorism.news.
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Tagged Under: antifa, Big Tech, Black Lives Matter, BLM, corporations, domestic terrorism, election, Google, mainstream media, Politicians, rioting, search data, terrorism, violence