News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Trump supporter beat over the head in “blood gushing” violence during Portland protests
h/t to The Gateway Pundit: Far left communists of “antifa” clashed with the Trump-supporting Patriot Prayer in Portland, Oregon Saturday. Though the groups have clashed several times over the last year and a half, the August 4th edition is shaping up to be like none other, as both groups are upping the ante. Portland police […]
By Mike Adams
Violent Antifa demonstrators vastly out-numbered by peaceful pro-liberty groups at Portland protests
Peaceful pro-liberty groups gathered in Portland, Oregon today is such huge numbers that violent anti-American “Antifa” protestors were vastly out-numbered. So far, Portland police have kept the two groups apart, unlike in previous protests when Portland police funneled the groups into physical conflict so that the lying left-wing media could falsely claim patriot groups were […]
By Mike Adams
August 4 protests FALSE FLAG warning – a “perfect storm” for staged deaths to demonize conservative Americans
Today I’ve posted an urgent warning video, which you can see in full, below. This video — which would have been banned by YouTube and Facebook — is available exclusively on It explains that Aug. 4 is shaping up to be a “perfect storm” false flag event, where deaths are staged in order to […]
By Mike Adams launches self-defense how-to gun training series featuring former Navy SEAL and U.S. Marine combat instructor
It has finally arrived. Not only is now working in beta mode, serving up over a thousand videos (so far, with tens of thousands coming), but now we’re launching a new series called “Real Self-Defense / The Joy of Shooting,” a 7-part how-to training video series that features live fire training with a former […]
By Mike Adams
Ultra-liberal NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman accused of beating women in weird sex slave assaults… FOUR accusers come forward
Is anyone really surprised? Yet another outspoken #MeToo defender who spoke at the Women’s March and viciously attacked President Trump has now been exposed as a vile, violent sex abuser of multiple women, according to a bombshell report from The New Yorker. Eric Schneiderman, who resigned yesterday, was an ultra-liberal Trump hater who claimed to […]
By Mike Adams
Left-wing terror group Antifa responsible for deadly Amtrak derailment? Alt-left terror group has disturbing history of railway sabotage
Antifa is a radical anti-Trump, left-wing terrorism group that has been praised by CNN and the left-wing media, and now it looks likely that Antifa was responsible for the Amtrak train derailment south of Seattle, Washington which has so far killed at least six people and injured nearly eighty. (See evidence, below.) (Follow all the […]
By Mike Adams
NYC truck terrorist shares the same anti-American ideology as left-wing media outlets and deranged Hollywood celebrities
I’m saying prayers tonight for all those innocent people in New York who were killed or injured by today’s ISIS terrorism attack. I also wonder at what point the deranged left-wing media will stop denying the existence of radical ISIS terrorism in America. The answer to that, of course, is more sinister than you might […]
By Mike Adams
Undercover Antifa video unveils coordinated plans to trap conservatives in “kill zones” to be stabbed and murdered by deranged Left-wing weirdos
A shocking new undercover video has surfaced, created by Steve Crowder, a radio host / comedian who went undercover for months to investigate the Antifa movement. The disturbing footage, shown below, reveals that Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization that’s secretly plotting stabbings and shootings while luring conservatives into “kill zones” to be executed by any […]
By Mike Adams
Whole Foods owner profits from sales of Antifa terrorism symbols and left-wing “murder books” on
Remember the Confederate flag hysteria of 2016, when Amazon banned all products that carried the Confederate flag, including children’s toys? The monopolist online retailer — founded and largely owned by Jeff Bezos, the anti-American globalist who also owns the fake news Washington Post — insisted the Confederate flag was a “symbol of hate” and explained […]
By Mike Adams
March on Google postponed after Antifa left-wing terror group threatens to ram cars into peaceful protesters
The March on Google, organized to protest Google’s outrageous censorship and assaults on free speech in cyberspace, has been postponed. Predictably, the lying left-wing media has been characterizing the peaceful protest as an “alt-right” event. This is the same anti-American, lying media that now celebrates Antifa with glowing reviews in Yahoo News and CNN, both […]
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