News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
If you voted Democrat, here’s another example of the lunatic Left-wing violence you just supported
In the age of POTUS Donald Trump, the Democratic Party is fast becoming the American Communist Party as it is taken over by the extreme Left. One by one notable conservatives, Republicans, and supporters of the president are being targeted by anarchist mobs who don’t so much align with the Democrats per se but who […]
By JD Heyes
The liberal mayor of Portland, OR refuses to arrest Antifa terrorists… streets overrun with lunatic left-wing violence, police told to stand down
In the days before a planned free speech rally in Portland, Ore., by the conservative group Patriot Prayer, people claiming to belong to Rose City Antifa organization were discussing showing up armed to disrupt the event. The group published a “call to action” which urged members to use “direct confrontation” to “eliminate” Patriot Prayer and […]
By JD Heyes
America’s left-wing communists openly plot mass assassinations through Twitter groups
Already angry over their inability to control the flow of politics in Washington, the militant Left is getting even angrier. And more militant. Following a week in which Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee were unable to stop a hugely qualified constitutional jurist, Brett Kavanaugh, from advancing to a vote of the full Senate despite […]
By JD Heyes
Angry, militant Leftists call for “confronting” Republican lawmakers in their own homes… a dog whistle for left-wing “kill teams”
In the age of POTUS Donald Trump, the Left has become perpetually triggered, finding new and often interesting ways to project their anger onto whatever political, societal, or cultural event is currently taking place. This week, of course, the Left’s “trigger” was the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing involving testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and […]
By JD Heyes
Web site of far-Left Antifa teaches radicals how to hurt police, rob banks, sneak across the border, and more
It’s become clear that members of the Left-wing ‘anti-fascist’ group Antifa are bent on creating as much violence, chaos, and mayhem as they can in the age of POTUS Donald Trump, all while pretending that conservatives and supporters of the president are the second coming of Hitler’s Nazi Party. In fact, it’s been obvious for […]
By JD Heyes
Oath Keepers stepping up to protect patriots from Antifa thugs with new “Spartan” training program
One of the nation’s premier ‘America first’ organizations, Oath Keepers, is developing a new program to train other patriots on how to handle and protect themselves when they are faced with angry mobs of Left-wing Antifa thugs. Founder Stewart Rhodes, in an interview with Infowars’ “War Room” program, explained that his organization’s Spartan Training Group program […]
By JD Heyes
The new tyranny of the Left: No conservative is allowed to order food at a restaurant, run an e-commerce platform or speak online
At some point over the past several years, the American Left assumed the authority to make all of society’s rules concerning how we can and cannot behave, what we can and cannot say, who we can and cannot support, and what we can and cannot do. Any ‘violation’ of the tyrannical Left’s established protocols or […]
By JD Heyes
Felony Antifa terrorists granted “immunity” by California court system; felony charges dropped against left-wing professor who assaulted Trump supporters
A Marxist-Left former college professor of “Ethics” was just given three years’ probation by an ignoramus of a judge in California after he was charged with four felony counts of assault with a deadly weapon for beating supporters of POTUS Donald Trump with a bike chain in 2017. As reported by Berkeleyside, Eric Clanton had […]
By JD Heyes
NPR contributor calls for Trump supporters to be “euthanized” en masse – they literally want you MURDERED
An analysis in the most recent weekly domestic intelligence publication Flashpoint Intelligence Review noted that political rancor is rising in America to levels not seen since the 1850s. The publication noted that much of the anger is emanating from the Left over the issue of immigration, which it said was akin to the passion and violence […]
By JD Heyes
Portland Mayor and Portland Chief of Police should be arrested for being complicit in mob violence and terrorism against citizens
The Left-wing hate and intolerance of POTUS Donald Trump and his supporters were bad enough as it was, but now it’s gotten to the point where it is affecting reasonable judgement and putting people at risk. In recent weeks an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in Portland, Ore., which has become the West Coast epicenter […]
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