News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Crazed leftists pushing for widespread anarchy and civil unrest if Trump fires “dirty cop” Robert Mueller
As President Donald J. Trump becomes more successful in reviving our country after it was rendered moribund by former President Obama and his top-down, bureaucracy-heavy, one-size-fits-all, economy-killing approach to government, the far-Left is getting more and more unhinged. And angry. You see, they were all in for Obama’s “transformation” of America from a successful, growing, […]
By JD Heyes
Southern Poverty Law Center claims violent Antifa is NOT a “hate group” despite being labeled “domestic terrorists” by DHS, FBI
The head of one of the most Left-wing political organizations in America recently declared that one of the most Left-wing, hate-filled and violent groups in America doesn’t qualify to be on its “Hate Map.” Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has listed the conservative, Christian-themed Family Research Council on the map, […]
By JD Heyes
Lawyer: It sure looks like James Comey went out of his way to PROTECT Hillary Clinton and obstruct justice
Gregg Jarrett, an attorney and a legal analyst for Fox News, says that based on reporting this week, it certainly seems clear now that former FBI Director James Comey, whom Trump fired earlier this year, did all he could to ensure that justice was not served on the 2016 Democratic nominee for president: Hillary Clinton. […]
By JD Heyes
Son of vice presidential contender Tim Kaine discovered to be a member of a left-wing domestic terrorism group
The man who wanted to be the next vice president of the United States has apparently raised a domestic terrorist. For more than a year, as noted by The Gateway Pundit, conservatives and supporters of President Donald J. Trump have been targeted, attacked, beaten, spit on, and clubbed by Alt-Left thugs who are members of […]
By JD Heyes
America’s universities now becoming terrorist training hubs as Antifa recruitment accelerates on campus
Only in today’s messed up, hyper-politicized environment is fascism disguised as “anti-fascism,” authoritarianism disguised as “democracy,” and political differences of opinion defined as hate — which perfectly explains why most college campuses have turned into major recruiting hubs for domestic terrorists. A pair of professors — one from Purdue University and the other from Stanford […]
By JD Heyes
Radical left-wing protesters in California are now literally chanting for the end of the USA… civil war won’t be far behind
There are some bad actors on the Alt-Right, to be certain, but the vast majority of political violence in the Age of Trump has come — and continues to come — from bad actors on the Alt-Left, chief among them the domestic terrorists of Antifa. But more than just purveyors of political violence, Antifa’s thuggish […]
By JD Heyes
The best AIM ever? Cops launch rubber projectile that hits gas mask-wearing Leftist right in the junk
It wasn’t quite like the “shot heard ‘round the world,” but it was a shot that certainly rocked the world of one Alt-Left protester in Phoenix recently who showed up to violently demonstrate against a political rally staged by President Trump. As reported by Townhall’s Matt Vespa, Trump was at the rally, trashing both U.S. […]
By JD Heyes
Washington Post publishes instruction manual telling other journalists to cover up the left-wing politics of Antifa, a domestic terrorism resistance group
The disgusting anti-American “mainstream” media is filled with Leftists who have never met a Marxist ‘revolutionary’ movement they didn’t like. Then again, none of them have ever had to live under the authoritarian hell of murderous Marxist leaders like the Castro brothers in Cuba, “Uncle” Joe Stalin, Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela or any Communist Party […]
By JD Heyes
Obama administration KNEW Antifa was a terrorist organization and was behind nearly ALL violence at Trump campaign events
A bombshell report confirms that the Obama administration knew months before the November elections that the Left-wing group “Antifa” was responsible for instigating nearly all violence at Trump political rallies and conservative speaking events. Moreover, Politico reported Friday, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security had declared Antifa members “domestic terrorists” in a report […]
By JD Heyes
Deranged left-wing SPLC now claims Army bases are “Confederate monuments” and need to be wiped off the map
The war against American history is continuing unabated, as far-Left social change artists continue their assault against our very culture, under the guise of “combating racism.” It’s no secret to anyone who’s actually studied the real history of the Civil War, but the vast majority of Confederate soldiers, officers and sympathizers were not slave owners. […]
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