Wednesday, December 06, 2017 by Jayson Veley
As the United States Constitution continues to become nothing more than a dated piece of paper in the eyes of the left, the federal government continues to grow, spreading like a plague and infecting virtually every institution in American society. Sadly, America’s education system is no exception.
The liberal state of California recently passed a law requiring trade schools to deny admission to students that have not completed high school or a state-approved equivalent, meaning that the government ultimately has the final say over what young people learn and what they don’t learn.
Concerned about this blatant attack on his First Amendment rights, Bob Smith, owner of the Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School (PCHS), recently filed a federal lawsuit against the state of California, arguing that he has a right to educate anyone he wants to, regardless of whether or not they have completed high school or a state-approved equivalent.
The lawsuit, which was filed by a nonprofit organization called the Institute for Justice (IJ), has gained the support of Esteban Narez, another resident of California who wants to attend PCHS but can’t because he never completed high school.
“Just like publishing a how-to book or uploading an instructional video to YouTube is protected by the First Amendment, so is teaching,” argued Keith Diggs, an attorney at the Institute for Justice who is representing Bob and Esteban in the lawsuit. “By limiting who Bob is allowed to teach and what Esteban is allowed to learn, California has not only harmed the students most in need of an education, but also violated their First Amendment rights.”
With any luck, the lawsuit filed against the state of California will be successful, and our country as a whole will take a tiny baby step in the direction of limited government and constitutionalism. Still, though, the federal government has been growing steadily for decades, and its unlikely that it’s going to stop anytime soon, regardless of which political party is in control of Washington D.C.
The truth is, a government that has the ability to control what young people learn and when they learn it has the ability to successfully replace a system rooted in liberty and individualism with a system rooted in tyranny. And because the government now plays a significant role in the education system, the government can indirectly teach students that this transition from constitutionalism to authoritarianism is actually a good thing. Sadly, that’s exactly what is going on — and it appears to be working. (Related: U.S. universities are now officially offering anti-Trump resistance training to students.)
According to a recent study put together by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund, 44 percent of young people say that they would rather live in a socialist country, and an additional seven percent would rather live under communism. This means that over 50 percent of millennials would rather live under socialism or communism instead of capitalism, a clear sign that one, the upcoming generation is detached from America’s roots, and two, that America’s education system has failed. (Related: A high school in California is now forcing children to watch a vaccine propaganda film and give “correct” answers or be penalized.)
This is exactly what happens when the lessons and skills that young people learn must be approved by politicians and bureaucrats. The government, which as a body always acts in its own best interest, indoctrinates students to believe more government is always the answer, and that the government always knows whats best. If this is allowed to continue, not only will our children be forced to learn and think in certain ways, but America will also continue down the cold, dark path of tyranny.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Alt-Left, big government, brainwashing the youth, California, education control, facism, First Amendment, government, indoctrination, insanity, law, liberalism, living free, parental decisions, propaganda, trade school