Wednesday, June 13, 2018 by Ethan Huff
A campaign recently launched by David Horowitz’s Freedom Center, known as “Stop K-12 Indoctrination,” has released a shocking new video exposé showing how the radical communist group “Antifa” (short for anti-fascist) is now placing its extremist members in teaching positions at public schools in order to indoctrinate and recruit America’s youth.
The video focuses on a Berkeley middle school teacher by the name of Yvette Felarca who was captured on tape screaming obscenities and violently assaulting people at an Antifa riot protesting a speaking engagement by conservative homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos. Felarca was arrested and charged with inciting a riot.
But Felarca continues to teach young people despite her ongoing involvement in organizing Antifa riots and other public displays of civil unrest, which Stop K-12 Indoctrination is now bringing to the public’s attention. She admitted during a segment of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Show that she doesn’t allow her students to engage in free speech that she disagrees with, and that she actively indoctrinates them into her way of thinking.
“The First Amendment is about free speech, but that’s not an abstraction,” an angry, scowling Felarca admitted in a response to a question posed by Carlson about her admitted censorship of her own students.
“If there was someone in my classroom who was espousing rape, genocide, or attacks on Muslims, then I would certainly make sure that I stood up for the rest of my students, and told them they need to stop. And if they refused to, then they would need to leave.”
When inquiring minds decided to look into Felarca’s past, they found that she has an extensive history of hijacking the classroom and using it to indoctrinate and recruit young students into Antifa doctrine. As far back as 2011, in fact, Felarca was found to have been organizing walkouts and other forms of Antifa protest, which she actively pushed on her students.
Felarca would couch her actions in terms of “field trips” and “academic learning,” when in reality she was dragging young, impressionable minds to extremist political marches and violent clashes with those she viewed as her political opponents. She even recruited them to join her radical group “By Any Means Necessary,” also known as BAMN, a group that’s been pegged by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as being a potential domestic terrorist group.
Keep in mind that Felarca was repeatedly warned by her superiors and others not to engage in this type of behavior with her students, but she’s continued to do it anyway. She even brought her students to a recent anti-charter school protest, which is another one of her pet issues. When confronted about this, Felarca simply brought her students to the disciplinary hearing in order to intimidate the administration into not holding her accountable. (Related: Left-wing terror group Antifa responsible for deadly Amtrak derailment? Alt-Left terror group has disturbing history of railway sabotage.)
Felarca has even been caught actively targeting the parents of her immigrant students who barely speak English, and presumably know very little about the various Leftist political causes she supports. Recognizing this, Felarca somehow convinces them that these are “academic” causes, which prompts the parents to willingly send their children to join Felarca on her many Antifa escapades.
And she surely isn’t alone in this. A 2015 report found that at least 17 different positions within just the Detroit Federation of Teachers, which was the example used, are held by people like Felarca who are members of BAMN. And there’s no telling how many more there are within education systems in other areas of the country. (Related: Learn more at Antifa.news)
Be sure to check out the full video report about this on YouTube.
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Tagged Under: Tags: antifa, BAMN, Berkeley, brainwashed, children, David Horowitz, education, Freedom Center, immigrants, indoctrination, left cult, leftist causes, lies, political correctness, propaganda, protests, public education, public schools, radical extremists, Stop K-12 Indoctrination, Teachers, Yvette Felarca