Monday, August 27, 2018 by Ethan Huff
The Los Angeles chapter of the left-wing domestic terrorist group Antifa is calling for a “sea of armed masses” to take to the streets with weapons, using “revolutionary violence against the enemies of the people” – meaning conservatives, Trump supporters, and pretty much anyone else who supports traditional American values and the rule of law.
According to the news outlet Far Left Watch, the group, known officially as “Serve the People – Los Angeles” (STPLA), issued what amounts to a call for an American revolution during a recent demonstration in South Central Los Angeles. Dozens of protesters wearing red bandannas and carrying the group’s flags, various banners, and piñata-effigies of President Trump “rallied the masses” and caused chaos in the streets over the recent detaining of an illegal alien woman by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Upset that Gladis Hernandez, a Hispanic woman who had previously entered the United States illegally, could be on the verge of being deported back to her home, STPLA decided that the only response is to advocate for total anarchy in one of the largest cities in the country – and one that just so happens to have a very high population of illegal aliens who don’t belong in the country.
As relayed by PJ Media from the extreme-left “Incendiary News Service,” agitators present at the rally were reportedly chanting in Spanish, “La migra, la policia, la misma porqueria!” which translates in English as, “ICE, the police, the same sh**!” These rabble-rousers were also heard chanting other vulgarities, including, “F*** ICE! F*** the pigs!” referring, of course, to our country’s law enforcement officers.
Much of the tumult occurred outside of the new Banc of California Stadium, where militant leftists passed out fliers containing information about the detention of Hernandez, and calling for “militant escalations” to defend the “undocumented working-class immigrant communities by any means necessary.”
It’s not as though the conservative patriot community wants to engage such nonsense. In the past, law enforcement would have taken care of it, ordering these disturbers of the peace to either leave the area or face arrest and prosecution. But this no longer seems to be the case, and the threat of violence from lawless fascists is becoming chillingly tangible with each passing day.
There have been so many instances of Antifa violence since the election of Donald Trump as president, including at the recent Patriot Prayer meeting in Portland, Oregon, that good-hearted, hard-working American patriots no longer have the option to simply ignore it.
While Natural News would never advocate for provoking violence against these anti-American thugs, there does come a point where a call to arms is necessary to combat its encroachment in defense of freedom and liberty. That moment hasn’t yet materialized, but it seems to be on the doorstep.
Our hope with all of this is that law enforcement will continue to do its job in nabbing illegal aliens while also keeping this insane Antifa rhetoric at just that: rhetoric. There’s no place in civil American society for Antifa violence of any kind, especially when it threatens the safety of law-abiding Americans who aren’t at all interested in having our nation’s borders scrapped simply to appease the treasonous demands of the far-left.
This is why we have the Second Amendment, of course: to take matters into our own hands, if need be, in order to maintain the peace, defend the innocent, and protect against enemies, both foreign and domestic, who would try to unravel the very foundations of our country in the name of “tolerance” and “equality.” This is our right as Americans, after all.
For more news on the anti-American agenda of the far left, check out Libtards.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: antifa, Banc of California Stadium, far Left, freedom, Gladis Hernandez, ICE, Illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, illegal immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, left cult, Leftists, Liberal Mob, Liberty, Libtards, Los Angeles, patriots, protest, revolution, Second Amendment, Serve the People Los Angeles, South Central, STPLA, violence