Wednesday, September 19, 2018 by JD Heyes
It’s become clear that members of the Left-wing ‘anti-fascist’ group Antifa are bent on creating as much violence, chaos, and mayhem as they can in the age of POTUS Donald Trump, all while pretending that conservatives and supporters of the president are the second coming of Hitler’s Nazi Party.
In fact, it’s been obvious for years now. During the 2016 election cycle, even Obama’s FBI and Department of Homeland Security labeled the loose-knit group a domestic terror threat, which begs the question: Why aren’t members being arrested when they show up in public to “demonstrate” and their actions turn violent?
In any event, the group’s members plan even more violence and chaos in the months and years ahead if information posted on what appears to be an Antifa-linked website called Destructables.org proves to be true.
As The Gateway Pundit notes:
Ever wonder how you can injure multiple police officers during a protest and get away with it without anyone ever knowing it was you? How ’bout elaborate schemes to deny banks service to their customers? How ’bout providing an assist to countless illegal aliens who want to sneak across the border?
Most of our readers don’t know how to do those things because you’re law-abiding people who aren’t addicted to the Marxist romance of “revolution” and violence.
These are just some of the information the site offers, including how to injure police officers when they are attempting to restore order to chaotic situations (which necessarily means advancing on object-throwing punks dressed in black like cowards, often with masks).
A ‘guide’ posted to the site instructs protesters to hollow out a stick that they’re using to hold a protest sign, then fill the stick with ball bearings so that when police move in, the protester opens the bottom of the sign so the ball bearings fall out, causing police to slip and fall when they advance. (Related: WaPo blames $2.6 million white supremacist rally cost solely on two dozen racists while OMITTING Antifa-linked destruction.)
“This simple device can be used as a last line of defense when riot police attempt to charge a line of protestors. The ‘Ball Bearing Poster’ can quickly and easily scatter a barrier of ball bearings on the street making it difficult for police to charge a crowd or a small targeted group,” the instruction reads.
“The bearings are concealed inside an aluminum rod which is surrounded by wood, creating the handle for your protest sign. Slowing down the advancing riot police can give the group a little more time to flee the area without getting arrested.”
What’s laughable is that the instruction claims “peaceful” demonstrations are becoming more violent – as though the people who read the Destructables.org website aren’t affiliated with organizations that cause the violence in the first place (because it doesn’t start with Trump supporters).
Also posted to the site are pamphlets that reportedly came from Mexican government officials showing people how they can successfully sneak across the border into the United States.
Additionally, there are instructions telling people how to flood banks with protestors who, initially, are there to conduct legitimate business but who are, in reality, really there to ensure that other customers cannot conduct their banking business – as a means of costing the bank a lot of money.
“Ever wanted to hold up a bank…and get away with it? Now you can! This model of a fun, peaceful, legal, and effective denial of service tactic can be applied to almost any business in nearly any town or city. But since we think banks deserve it most, we beta-tested it on Wells Fargo. Here’s how you can do it, too,” says the instruction.
It works by flooding bank lines with ‘protesters’ who each have checks they want cashed for just a few cents (now you know why many banks won’t do business with anyone but account holders).
The American hard Left has completely abandoned our political processes. They have decided that since they can’t win on the power of their ideas (Marxism and authoritarianism) they will impose them on us through violence.
Read more about Antifa and its violent subsidiaries at AntifaWatch.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: antifa, bank disruptions, chaos, criminal activity, destruction, domestic terrorism, far Left, illegal border crossing, injure police, lawless, left cult, Left-wing, Liberal Mob, violence