Tuesday, October 23, 2018 by Mike Adams
Our new documentary has just been posted on Brighteon.com, the new name for REAL.video, the YouTube alternative for free speech videos.
The documentary is called The Democratic Socialist Plan to DESTROY America.
The video documents the extreme danger of “Democratic Socialists of America” (DSA) who are actually communists pretending to be Democrats. These individuals seek the complete destruction of the United States of America, hoping to overrun it with hoards of illegal aliens. DSA activists seek the complete dismantling of border patrol and immigration protections, the shutting down of U.S. prisons (releasing all violent criminals into the streets) and the total destruction of the free market system, with centralized government taking over the entire economy.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of these DSA nut jobs, and as the Democrat party continues to move to the radical Left, more and more of these lunatics are running for office and winning Democrat primaries.
Through this dangerous trend, the Democrat party has become the part of domestic terrorism and mob violence against America.
Watch this stunning documentary from Brighteon.com for full details. Share this link everywhere:
Tagged Under: Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Alt-Left, America, anti-America, communism, Democratic Socialists, democrats, DNC, documentary, elections, fascism, illegal immigration, left cult, Left-wing, mob violence, mobs, Open Borders, revolution, socialism, violence, voter fraud